
Not suitable for children!

Monday 23 July 2007

The beginning of an era!

Whilst most people who know me will know that normally I would mock such a possession as one's own blog, I feel that this summer has driven me to the absolute lowest depths of boredom....and thus this page was created. April and May seem so long ago now, when the sun shone over Swansea, (yes it does happen,) preparing us for the best summer any of us had experienced in our short 16 years of life. As the sun beat down at 1,000 degrees on the school's exam hall, we stuck through it knowing that within a few weeks we would be free for 3 glorious months of this weather. Sadly... we were mistaken. With nothing but torrential downpour across the country we have had nothing but job hunitng at starbucks and sitting on our arses doing nothing for the large part of June and July (probably fucking August too). Obviously there is but one person to blame... RIHANNA!!! Since the charts were cursed with her "Um-buh-rell-ah...eh eh eh" the nation has been in turmoil, the song which has brought about a wave of rain dances all over britain due to her 9 weeks on top of the charts (9 too many in my opinion) is the root cause for all of your shit holidays! Now that the song has finally been knocked off the top spot though, is the weather any better? Is it fuck! So i urge you readers, for the sake of every chld and teenager off school for the summer please head the neares record store or download site in your area/ web browser and buy every other single in the top 20!! PLEASE! Together we can knock this bitch off and restore the once glorious britich summertime to it's original state and let Tom cook burgers on the beach for EVERYONE! Except Rach and Becky because they're vegetarians so they, along with any other non-carnivores can hav their quorn burgers, HUH-ZAH!! Any way I'm tired now and I feel like a game ofMario Football on my wii (which I love very much ^^). The crystal cup seems to be evading me and i must claim it from Diddy-Kong if James and Jonny are ever to give me any credit! Toodle-pip for now xxx Quote of the day: "I've had about as much oppotunity to go to the beach this summer as I have to shag Lewis Hamilton up the arse whilst singing 'I'm little teapot' bollock naked in the middle of trafalgar sqaure"

1 comment:

Joe Frampton said...

Who's that quote from? =|

Talk about sexual frustration ;]