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Tuesday 24 July 2007


So it happened... There was actually the faintest glimmer of hope that the sun would shine for part of this summer. So as I sit here slightly tipsy thinking what the fuck was the point as the weather forecast shows nothing else but rain, I would like to say this: Fuck the summer, fuck good weather and roll on my holiday to Florida because I really think that is the most sun I will se this year. *Smiles* I relly have given up hoping for a sudden break from the torrential downpour from hell and gone back to my old optimistic self thinking "at least the sun will shine in America" (something I thought I would never be optimistic about). But hey, as long as I have sun and kick-ass theme parks who cares what country I'm in! Then as I glance at my desk and notice the Kennedy space centre rain poncho Rachel's mum kindly donated to me I realise that I won't be escaping rain, merely keeping warm in it! For when Florida rains, it bloody rains. But I don't care, I will have cheap goods and theme parks at my disposal...what can go wrong ( I shall post on the list as soon as I get back). =P To finalise I still haven't won the crystal cup, I haven't had much of a chance as it was actually sunny today and I could go out!! Til later when my head clears and I think of something else to rant about!