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Monday 23 July 2007

Mario Football!

As Rachel is slapping me on the back with a belt saying "Write one now, write one now" as I have introduced her to this blog, I thought I might shut her up by telling you my story of last night's efforts on "Mario strikiers charged football" which is an amazing game. Anyway if any of you read last night's post you will know that I have been struggling to claim the crystal cup from Diddy-Kong... so I attempted to rectify this by turning on my wii at 2am. Then it happened!! After losing to Mario on sudden death I thought restarting the crystal cup would be a good idea; to my horror i restarted the whole game! = So I spent my night winning the fire cup for the fourth time (yes I have made this retarded mistake a few times). Though I am pleased to say i did record a record win in my group game against Luigi (58-1) yes the 1 he scored was a little irritating. The great thing however about Mario football is that it isn't really a sport at all, i think it is the first time I have enjoyed football (possibly because of the presence of bombs and the ability to set the ball on fire or shoot giant hammers at the goalkeeper). But I think the one thing that really deserves a mention is the "Megastrike!" A shot in which the captain suddenly becoms possessed by some sort of external force and allows them to fire upto 6 shots at goal! Football as it should be I believe, if the premiership took all this into account I can honestly say I would watch a full 90 minutes of football, the poncey alternative that we get at the moment offers me about as much pleasure as slicing off my right testicle with a blunt stanley knife! Anyway Rach needs to do her make-up so this is Jamie-Man signing out, Au voir for now!

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