
Not suitable for children!

Thursday 26 July 2007

A little optimism for the rest of your miserable summer and life!

I would like to apologise before I truly begin by taking back a comment in my first post. I have not hit the bottom of the barrel of boredom, I do not watch Big Brother (something I am proud to announce to the world). It is probably the biggest waste of viewing time anyone could possibly imagine and the fact that the almost 24 hour live coverage has to be on E4 is just too much to bear. I would like to thank Mr Joe for pointng out this revelation to me! Now to those of you who are miserable as sin and probably contemplating suicide because you haven't pulled yet this summer and the weather is shite, *cough* matt *cough.* Get over it! It's like the old saying goes... Why do hot dogs get sold in cans of ten, but hot dog baps only get sold in packs of 8? Well you may not always have the bun, but you can always be sure you'll have a sausage. What does that load of bullshit mean I hear you all ask in an attentive yet slightly confused manner... well it means that whilst you may not have everything, you always have something. Whilst you may not a hav a girlfriend or good weather, you always have starbucks to visit with your mates. So slap a smile on your face and don't sit on your arse all day moaning 'cos the summer aint been what we all expected, get out and fucking do something! Forget the list of things you wanted to do if it was sunny, make a new list of things you wanna do while it isn't sunny! Just work with what you can, make the most of what freedom you have because once college hits you... BOOM! Social life over. Now that is off my chest, think I can relax and just ramble a bit now... *thinks of some ramblings* Meh screw it I can't really be arsed so I'll just sign off now and leave you all with this pathetic excuse for a post in which some of you may have expected something to make you smile, instead you got a lecture... some of you may take my advice, I don't know. But anyway...Byeee! Dedicated to Matt! Quote of the day: "Well my dad was an ogre, he tried to eat me."


Joe Frampton said...

Here's the comment you asked for (Y)

Jamie "Jam Jam" Thomas said...

Well you know I am a comment whore! =P