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Sunday 29 August 2010

Wow so 3 whole years since I've blogged. For the 4 people who might read this, here's a quick summary of what I've done since my last post in August 2007: Went to college, got some sciencey A levels, went to Imperial college, passed first year and found a flat in London for a lot of money. Success! So despite the fact that 3 years have passed I find myself in almost exactly the same situation as when I last posted to my blog. Sat in my room up late, complaining about about how boring the summer holidays are and playing my Wii. For someone who has illegidly changed a lot in the last couple of years, I really haven't changed a bit. Simply put, I'm a slightly older, grumpier and more educated version of the annoying teenage kid I was then... and I can buy alcohol legally now! There isn't a lot to say at this point, just a post to try and make myself believe I'll blog again, so I'd just like to ask anyone reading this a question which has been confusing me for a while. When you cut a scone in half, why does the top half fall apart when you spread jam on it but the bottom half stays completely intact? I'll leave you with that... Much love, Jam Jam Quote of the day: "I only have to make it to 34 and I've beaten Jesus at living"