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Wednesday 1 August 2007

Campage!! XD

Wow, it actually happened... the weather allowed us to go camping! So the location of the first proper camping trip of the summer; Oxwich bay =P One of the most awkward and expensive places to get to via bus in Swansea/Gower...and on a fucking Sunday too, and with the travel arrangements left in the hands of an irishman this trip seemed to be a disaster waiting to happen. With my food and Stella Artois carefully packed into a bag the size of a small nation, I set off to Swansea bus station. As we sa5t in a group looking about as suspicious as something I cannot mention for it is rather racist we waited...and waited...and waited. Why the fuck did we meet an hour and a half before the bus comes? Again what happens when things are left to an irishman. But thev time passed swiftly enough and within two and a half hours of meeting, a 40 minute bus journey and a long fucking hike across sand dunes we finally saw the sea! Of course within minutes of dumping everything and locating an appropriate site every6one was fully clothed in the sea...all apart from Mr Joe, Joel and myself. These fearless warriors had stripped down to their underwear...and once bollock deep, nothing at all! It was at this moment that a pact was made...to skinny dip at midnigt...only this time all clothing would remain on the sand =P So after drying off Joel decided it would be fun to attempt to break our necks in a pretty damn hooge sand dune...always a good laugh. However the "Jump as far down it as you can" competition got a little tedious after sam running too far nd landing in a large patch of spiky grass. So I suggested we create some breasts out of sand...again always a classic. But of course Bulb wouldn't stop there, oh no; he wanted to use my perfectly formed melons to create a whole sand-woman! So, Sandy was formed...and what a woman she was! However her straw-dry hair and dry skin made her a little less appealing. So of course there was only one answer... give her a vagina using a budweiser bottle!